Since Joseph Pilates created Pilates, people have been transformed by this popular system of exercise that strengthens the body’s core and aligns the spine. The popularity of Pilates is due to the fact that it can be modified to suit any needs and ability levels, which makes it an excellent choice for people of all ages and physicalities.
Pilates is based on movements that produce a balanced development of the body through various floor exercises and the use of specifically designed equipment. Floor work on a mat allows you to become adept in the principal movements of Pilates, while the equipment provides resistance from your own bodyweight to strengthen and build muscles. You can buy your own equipment at Pilates Equipment Fitness, where you get quality and affordability both.
Pilates Home Gym
While traditionally, PIlates was offered only in gyms and health clubs, Pilates Equipment Fitness provides a variety of Pilates equipment that enables you to perform these exercises in the comfort of your own home. When choosing what equipment to purchase, it is key to understand how each piece is designed to be used so that you can make the best choice for your needs.
The Reformer
The Pilates Reformer is specifically designed to increase flexibility, develop spinal alignment, and maximize strength. This unique machine moves your body back and forward as you work against resistance with straps and the foot bar. With this equipment, you can kneel, sit, stand, or lie down to change the focus of specific muscle groups to target. Order now at Pilates Equipment Fitness to get your home reformer.

The Tower
Another popular piece of Pilates equipment is the Tower. This simple design creates vertical resistance with a variety of attachments provided to give a full body workout. Attachments typically include arm springs, a roll down bar, a push through bar, and leg springs. Towers can also be provided as an attachment or permanent feature to the Reformer machine.

The Chair
For advanced Pilates practitioners, the Pilates Chair provides challenging resistance. This piece of equipment features a box with a spring loaded pedal that can be engaged by the hands or feet to target the core, arms, and legs muscles. The Chair also provides spine alignment and back strengthening.

The Mat
If you are just beginning your Pilates journey, the Mat is an excellent place to start your workouts. Mat work provides low impact workouts designed to one muscle, build strength, and create length by aligning the spine. Mat work is an accessible regimen that can be modified to suit any fitness level and is also helpful in rehabilitation exercises to aid in the healing process.
Help With Choosing The Right Piece Choosing the right Pilates equipment to fit your needs is essential in ensuring your success with your exercise regime. Pilates offers accessible exercise methods that are progressive to allow you an open-ended source of fitness capabilities. For more information on all of the Pilates equipment available and what will work best for you, contact Pilates Equipment Fitness.